Modern grinding aids can significantly improve the efficiency of grinding equipment. Functional grinding aids or so-called “quality optimizers” can also strongly influence the properties of the final product. The many possibilities and complexity of today’s grinding facilities do make the choice for the best grinding aid a difficult task.
The engineers and technicians in the laboratories of Tillman have the most modern techniques and equipment to their disposal to assist you to make the right choice. The techniques and systems applied by Tillman are among the most modern in the world. Ultra-modern high-tech techniques are used to measure and positively influence properties of materials to grind, where there is always the aim for the best performance and the lowest cost.
With a number of methods developed by Tillman your grinding process can be simulated closely. By using these simulations during the preliminary investigation accomplished for you, the practical tests and the costs for it can be limited to a minimum. Cost-saving, yield-increasing and improving quality are standard objectives of the experienced technicians Tillman. They are more than happy to take up your specific grinding problem.